Hub guide pédagogique école

Les Guides


Polaroid with a Blank Photo
Opaque Scotch Tape with tear edges in off-white
Polaroid with a Blank Photo
Opaque Scotch Tape with tear edges in off-white
Polaroid with a Blank Photo
Opaque Scotch Tape with tear edges in off-white

Cliquez sur les différentes images ci-dessous pour accéder aux guides

Butterfly icon
Butterfly icon
Butterfly icon
Butterfly icon

Cycle 1 : Maternelle

Flat Map Skills Island
Flat Map Skills Forest
Freeform Textured Rocks

Cycle 2 : CP, CE1, CE2

Flat Map Skills Island
Flat Map Skills Mountain
Flat Map Skills Boulder

Cycle 3 : CM1, CM2, 6e

A path of ants running up. View from above.

Cycle 4 : 5e, 4e, 3e